to take part in the event, You must submit a decklist, you can provide the link to your decklist when confirming ticket details. Your decklist must conform to the following rules:
– All cards in the deck must be legal in the modern format and must conform to all normal 60-card constructed rules.
– The decks total value (excluding basic lands) must not exceed £50 [or USD equivalent] at the time of validation, including its sideboard. The value of each card will be taken from the cheapest available card on at NM condition and in English.
– The decklist must be constructed using an online deckbuilding website (Moxfield/MTGGoldfish/Archidekt/Etc.) and must be listed as public.
– The decklist you bring to the event must match the submitted decklist exactly, we reserve the right to perform random deck checks to ensure compliance.
– If you wish to change the decklist before the event, you must resubmit your updated decklist to us as soon as possible.
– In the case that multiple decklists are submitted by the same person, the most recently submitted decklist will be accepted as the intended decklist.
Most importantly of all,
– Have fun brewing the deck!